Appointment types by board
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Shannon Gomes
This would be great! I would also like to be able to limit it by the member being assigned. Our techs only use Technical Types, our Sales reps use different ones.
Shannon Gomes
Add another limitation for Appointments that can be sent via CRM integration, in our case, ConnectWise (through the TimeZest pod), vs Appointments visible on the Personal Pages. We have certain campaign appointments that we only want to show up on the personal pages and would never be scheduled through the integration.
Jeremy Rhyne
Upvote this. We don't want all appointment types to show up on all boards.
Jason Casuga
Merged in a post:
Appointments based on agreement
Jason Faiferlick
I would love to be able to prevent scheduling on certain boards, or to prevent staff from scheduling T&M clients using TimeZest (these clients should pay more to get that function). I think this can be done in board setup, or an agreement type filter.
Jason Casuga
Merged in a post:
Limit Boards that TZ Pod is available on
Kathe Hewitte
We do not use TZ on all our Service Boards, yet the Pod shows up on all boards. Someone could accidentally use TZ to schedule on a Board where no configuration has been set up.
Earl Kelly
I would upvote this too. Specifically for users that don't have access to certain tools. Like Zoom!
Heath Hefely
Would love the option to limit the TZ pod to selected boards
Iain McMullen
^ Upvote from me as well.
I'd recommend an implementation be via the "Team" groups within TimeZest. That way it would be Vendor agnostic and can be managed within TimeZest.
Joey Undis
Guess we'll go the prefix route too for now!
Chris Shipley
Joey Undis: I learned that method when I onboarded Datto RMM and other products with a similar limitation.
Chris Shipley
Yes, we are struggling with this now. We are using prefixes with Internal names but reducing complexity with a board-based filter is much preferred.
Peter Kardel
yes please
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